Cache Exclusions

Introduction #

If your website has some complex functionality, you may find that you need a page to be excluded from the cache for it to work correctly.

There are a few things we do not cache by default. Below is a rundown of what these are.

Exclusions #

HTTP POST Requests #

We exclude POST requests as these contain data that should not be cached.

Logged in Sessions & Cookies #

If you’re logged into your WordPress website, every page you visit, including the WP dashboard, is excluded from the cache. This includes WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads customers when they are logged into their account.

WordPress login and comment author cookies are excluded from the cache.

Cookies for WooCommerce and Easy Digital Download sessions will also be excluded, whether a customer is logged in or not. These are responsible for keeping track of shopping cart activity and are unique to individual visitors.

Query Strings #

Any URL that includes a query string is not cached, so anytime a visitor loads your website with a query string attached (e.g., they load the page from scratch, bypassing the cache, and therefore receive a slower load time on average.

In most cases, this is a good thing, as query strings are unique and it would make no sense to cache them.

However, there are instances where you’d want to return the cached version of the page for improved performance when a specific query string is present. If that is the case, we can add it to an exclusion list so they are not used to bypass the cache (see “Request an Exclusion” below).

Specific URLs #

There are specific pages that we exclude from the cache by default. These are:

  • /wp-admin/
  • /xmlrpc.php
  • index.php
  • /feed/
  • Urls ending in .php
  • Urls that include .*sitemap.*\.xml/store.*
  • /addons

Further, we exclude pages that are setup by WooCommerce and Easy Digital Downloads by default:

  • WooCommerce: /my-account/
  • WooCommerce: /cart/
  • WooCommerce and EDD: /checkout/

Request an Exclusion #

At this time, there is no way for you, the website owner, to exclude a page or skip query string yourself.

If there is something else you need excluded from the cache or a query string you need to skip, please submit a request to our support team letting us know which page(s) and query strings you’d like excluded.